Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CityVille: Relying on Friends as Neighbors

It seems that social games have become just as popular as every other Internet game that there is available. CityVille is one of the newest games that people are playing on FaceBook. This game is well on its way to becoming just as popular as other social games, such as FarmVille and FrontierVille.

The reason that CityVille is a social game is the fact that you add neighbors. These are people who are your friends. They play the game with you. You very much have to rely on your friends to help you accomplish different tasks in your city. You are also able to visit your neighbors and help them out in their own city. Some of the things that you can do in your friend's city are: tend and water their crops, collect the rent from their property rentals, send tour buses to their business and city attractions, and you can even help them out by clearing their trees.

You can perform up to five tasks per day in your neighboring towns. Perhaps the most important thing for you to do while visiting your neighbors is to keep your eyes open. They may have a space of land that they are offering to help their friend expand their franchise. If you find one of these you can purchase a building and place it there to expand your own company franchise. The friend will have to approve you building first, of course. However, the more of these you find and build your business upon, the more potential income you will have in your own city. Therefore, the bigger your city will become.

This game has been getting rave reviews from its users. It is well on its way to becoming one of the most popular social games that is played on the net.

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